Sunday, February 10, 2008

What's in your Ballot?

The Super Duper Tuesday ended as expected with an almost tie between Clinton and Obama if you calculate only the pledged delegates. If you add up Super delegates Clinton showed an edge but again not a significant gap to strengthen her nomination. Clinton winning NY, CA, MA and NJ was impressive but Obama winning many more states than her was much more impressive. The results of Tuesday definitely demonstrated momentum Obama's campaign has . A bigger surprise would have been that Obama won more delegates than Clinton.

Today the additional three states- Washington, Louisiana and Nebraska joined the Obama camp and he doubled the lead of delegates on Clinton. The momentum we sensed for Obama is clearly evident now and the margin by Obama defeated Clinton speaks just that.

Obama's JJ Dinner speech just after the victory on 9th Feb clarified/acknowledged the apprehensions people had on 'Hope' theme and the crowd cheering there tells me what to expect on Tuesday in Virginia primaries.

Now everyone is concerned what the Democratic party would do if none of the candidates get a 2025 delegates by the time of convention. The super delegates are not pledged and there could be lot of horse-trading happening to determine who the nominee would be in such uncertainities. The Democratic pledges delegate allocation- a proportional allocation - make sure that both candidates are getting some delegates so its quite unlikely that there could be decisive lead after all primaries are done. As Huccabee says, miracles could happen but more realistically I feel after the Ohio , Texas and Pennsylvania one of the candidates would come out as 'inevitable' and the super delegates may not be able to do much if they mean to win the final election. And i am pretty sure that candidate is going to be Obama.

What's that make him inevitable ? He won more states and he did an outstanding job in bringing the young voters together . He even proved in red states and showed that he is less of a polarising figure when it comes to race and gender. This is what democratic party really needs to win the general election. The Republican front-runner Mc Cain is going to play(scare) the voters with national security concerns and immigration issues. Young generation is not concerned about these two issues and they seems to be more worried about the shape of the economy and the way politics is conducted now. Obama stands to win those votes more as comapared to MC Cain. So its extremely important the party don't kill the enthusiasm of these folks by fixing the deal in their smoke room of super delegates.

A question remains: What if they are going to do if Hillary wins more pledged delegates ? I think she should be the nominee respecting the democracy and Obama should not settle for a Vice President ticket. This is because Hillary is going to be defeated by Republicans in the general election as both Hillary and Mc Cain are liberal establishment candidates and Mc Cain has more experience and approval among voters. Also he could claim majority of the independent candidates , a area Hillary finds it difficult to break in. If that happens, Obama should continue to promote his ideas and keep his followers excited for next four years. Settling for a VP ticket could kill all the enthusiasm around him and ultimately he will be a looser. So the 'Dream Ticket' is quite a nightmare , according to me.

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