Sunday, February 10, 2008

Clionton's Troubled Campaign - Opportunity ?

Hillary Clinton loaned five millions of her money to the campaign and many of her organizers will work without a pay. This would be a big news if there was no Mc Cain went through such severe troubles six months ago. Mc Cain even fired his staff and almost shelved the plan to campaign in many primaries. Huccabee also faced the cash crunch . But both of them stayed in the campaign trail longer than expected and they emerged as front runners of Republican now. Also if the candidate has a wider appeal, somehow they managed the funds and some were smart to get maximum return on whatever funds they got.

Everyone knows Obama raised more funds since February 5th. And once Hillary's trouble news was aired, she raised a lot more money. That happens as none wants to see their favored candidate is trailing because She/he does not have funds to compete. May be loaning 5 million to herself was a strategy by Clintons - That's what I thought when i heard the story first- cconverting a problem into an opportunity.

Her campaign also challenged Obama to have a debate every week which he refused. Debates are free air time for the campaigners and usually the trailing candidates ask for more debates. So we could reasonably assume that Clinton is not ready to spend more and they have some sort f fund crunch.

The most disturbing of all these news came today that Clinton's campaign manager, Patti Solis, quits. There was always a talk about changes in the direction of campaign whenever she lost. It started in Iowa where she brought in Maggie Williams and that move supposedly reduced Patti's power as chief of staff. Clinton lost all three states voted yesterday so Patti's stepping down today clearly shows the urgency in the camp to stop Obama's momentum.

Any one who worked in organising a group for achieving a common goal will know what kind of damage a last minute changes could create. I am sure a group of staff would now be unhappy and it would take a while for the new manager to get a handle on the situation. Good thing is that Williams was with the campaign in a responsible position so its not hard for her to bring about a change in direction. Though Solis quotes family reasons, questions answered are : is it because she outspent or is the ground work she was doing just not enough ?

I always read the Clinton had the best campaign team and the best resources and support. She was the 'inevitable' when she launched the campaign and see what a 'hopemnger' could do so far.

As I write this I am also watching Maine caucus results- Obama is leading there with a significant margin. So this news coupled with the organisation changes in her campaign is definitely a bad news. Who knows - Clintons could turn this around as an opportunity.

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