Saturday, February 23, 2008

Change You Can Xerox - Shame on you Obama

I am sure Senator Clinton regretted ridiculing Obama by saying " This is change you can Xerox". The Austin audience booed it and the regret on her face was visible immediately after she spitted those words out.
The Texas debate was slightly favoring Obama though it ended up with a standing ovation for Hillary for her closing remarks. The Hillary supporters probably expected her to beat Obama by drawing contrast on her health and economic plans but that was not achieved and that means she did not stop his momentum in Texas. So as analysts point out, Hillary has a steeper mountain to climb.

Today, there was another evidence of a frustration Hillary is brewing for a while . At Cincinnati , during her stump speech, she shouted "Shame on you Obama" for him trying to distort her message and records. She had the fliers Obama's campaign is floating that state she voted for NAFTA and Obama's health care plan is superior than hers.

Hillary was definitely angry and i don't think its because of the fliers but the frustration has been brewing for a while as she is not able to get her messages across to the people. Recently, Obama eating into her votebanks in Wisconsin is speaking the dangers ahead in Ohio and Texas. Ohio especially suffered a lot of job loss because of the manufacturing outsourcing to China so highlighting her stand on the NAFTA would definitely hurt her.

May be Hillary's health plan is superior as an idea but its often failed whenever someone tried to implement a similar idea. That does not mean that one should not hope for a better one. These ideas , including Obamas , are complicated and needs the congress/senate approval to implement. And there are powerful lobbies/pressure groups to protect the interests of businesses and medical professionals. However, people don't understand any of these complexities and end of the day people would vote for a candidate inspires them not the one with a great health plan. May be that favored Obama so far.

As Hillary says, Obama's speeches are full of change slogans - change the way politics work now and change the way Washington works- and he resorts to same old political tactics of tearing down the opponent s by sending fliers comparing the candidates and often highlighting his as a superior. Politics is a big game and you will be destroyed if you are not competitive in the same old dirty tricks . This proves again how much shrewed Obama as a politician and he plays all the tactics required to get to the top of the establishment and I believe his vision for this country is much superior than any other candidates out there now offers.

Change is just a word unless you have the power to execute . And I bellieve that's what Obama is trying to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.