Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama wins the presidency

CNN just now projected that Obama will be the 44th president elect of U.S.A. This is a moment millions of Americans - white & colored, rich and poor - awaited for hundreds of years. This sends a message across to the world that America remain resilient as it used to be.
For younger generation, it was about electing a transformational figure for the biggest job. Someone who was riding on a change message. Obama was sticking to his message, inspiring the voters with his electrifying speeches. There is no doubt the real test is ahead of him to make the country stronger and also to restore the leadership of America.

I was lucky to get involved early as everything started early here with Iowa Caucus. The first rally I met Obama in Des Moines downtown hardly had 500 people. Iowans could be proud that they sensed the extra-ordinary abilities Obama demonstrated here and elected him in Democratic primary. And its my turn to treasure the memories of tracing this election so closely.